miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

A shelter for the heart. Refugios del corazón en inglés.Portada

Otro sueño hecho realidad: Refugios del corazón traducido al inglés por mí, con la ayuda de mi gran amiga Lea Camara Martín

4 comentarios:

  1. She is our teacher at the high school and w are very proud of her work, both as a teacher and as a writer. I am definitely going to read it in English

  2. María, firstly I must say how very proud of you I am. Secondly, I am also very pleased that you asked me to be your translation assistant! I have read your book twice, the first time in a strange way during the editing and afterwards much more calmly when you sent me a finished copy. All I can say is...brilliant! I loved the twist at the end! Mum has finished her copy too, and loved it. She tells me she thinks you are very clever. So...now you know...get going on your second novel, maybe there'll be a Booker Prize for you one day! Well done...and I am recommending it to everyone xx

  3. I can't wait to read it! I think I'll love it, because Spanish edition is wonderful, like the writer ;)
